Thursday, October 25, 2012


I wish___________.

I could fill this blank in with about a bazillion things, and a lot of them would most likely be related to the "J" word. Chapter 9 in Unglued focused on jealousy and it's potential to leave us feeling "empty." I can relate.

"Especially when the empty settles in the part of our souls where unmet desires restlessly wait. And in that dark corner, desperation churns for what could be but isn't, and what we want but still don't have. " (Lysa Terkeurst) Wow, I can relate.

"I let these comparisons and the anxiety they create negatively affect my relationships, my mood, and my confidence to pursue my dreams." (Lysa) Ouch, I can relate. 

This is what I like about this chapter...I'm encouraged that others have been where I've been. I'm encouraged to know that with a little perspective brought into these looming corners, there's hope for understanding. And, I'm encouraged to know that my God has designed me in a unique and special way that makes me who I am, and He loves me "with an everlasting love." Jeremiah 31:3

Earlier this year, my pastor did a sermon series on The Comparison Trap. I thought back to some of the parallel points both Lysa and he make and feel it's helpful to mention a couple of the points I wrote down.

"There is no win in comparison." (Andy Stanley) Got it

"When we try to leverage (move) things other than love, we lose influence. Celebrate what God has given others and leverage what God's given you. What you have is less important (to God) than what you do with what you have." (Andy) In other words, give myself permission to run MY race the way God designed ME.

One of the ways God speaks to me is through music. I love these song lyrics by Todd Fields,

"You are the God of my story, write every line for Your Glory!"

I don't want to waste "limited life energy," as Lysa puts it, wishing for someone else's story. For one, with two toddlers, I don't have lots of energy! I just want to waste my energy on making my God proud of me. And I don't want to always be wishing for more instead of giving more. He loves us with an everlasting love! That's enough to want to change!

1 comment:

  1. I love that line from the song especially the last part, "write every line for Your glory!" That is very powerful to remember.

    And it sound slime you're inhaling what Lysa is showing us and getting confirmations from different areas in your life.

    So let's buckle down and make some imperfect progress.

    OBS Group Leader
