So, I've been trying to set up a new blog for about, oh...well...over an hour, let's say. I'm not very techno-save, but really have desired to find a place to share those little "random" thoughts that pop into my head as encouragement to anyone out there who just feels like they can relate. I must confess..I looked at all of 2 blogs from last week and could have gotten discouraged that I wasn't "all set up" with pretty backgrounds and lots of links. Honestly, I've got to figure out how to do it! But, I know I've got to start somewhere and the learning curve can't be all that big, right? How's that for imperfect progress?
Second confession, I'm in the 2nd week of an online Bible study called Unglued: Making Wise Choices in the Midst of Raw Emotions and admit I feel like I'm playing catch up. I was out of town the Sunday the study began, only to come home to 2 sick children, and still haven't structured any organized time of day to sit and think about the study nor interact with anyone's experience. In my attempts to find that quality time, I think this blog will help with sitting still, activating my mind, and reminiscing over a day, like today, that had huge potential for creating "raw emotions." I admit I am still reading chapter 3 (which I actually started on a plane 2 weeks ago), but this week hope to get going on a regular schedule and get this blog out for the next blog hop!
Following all I've said so far, this will come as no huge shocker that this is my first experience with an online Bible study. I have only done studies the old fashioned way in small groups, so I'm kinda interested about how this goes, and I'm sure to be stretched in new ways!
It's getting late and I've still gotta link this baby to the site, so I'll just end and start with the reason for ordering this book in the first place...
At the time I first saw this book by Lysa Terkeurst, I was becoming frustrated with the way in which my daughter and I were relating when she would get angry at me for whatever reason or for not understanding her. It was a new thing, like a new era in the toddler world in which I felt completely out of control. I didn't like myself in those moments of feeling oblivious to what to do. All I know is that I want to discipline the right way, and I've been a Christian long enough to know that God is my best Guide when things go awry, but that He also uses others to teach me, grow me, and equip me. So I'm hoping this study will do just that!
So they say it's never too late to start and hopefully I'll participate in the next blog hop!
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